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Relative paths work differently in asciidoctor-pdf and asciidoctor

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Relative paths work differently in asciidoctor-pdf and asciidoctor

1 post

I have some problems with relative paths. And can't figure out whether it is asciidoctor or asciidoctor-pdf that is broken.
I have a project structure looking like that


book.adoc just contains something like this

Standing in the root /
> asciidoctor adoc/book.adoc     generates a html page with chapter1 and chapter2
> asciidoctor-pdf adoc/book.adoc     generates a pdf page that does *not* include chapter 1+2

Standing in /adoc/ and doing
> asciidoctor book.adoc
> asciidoctor-pdf book.adoc
generates (correctly) a html-page/pdf with both chapter 1+2

Is it asciidoctor or asciidoctor-pdf working correctly?
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Re: Relative paths work differently in asciidoctor-pdf and asciidoctor

2681 posts
The asciidoctor-pdf command is not performing correctly.

The problem is the implicit header processor extension including in Asciidoctor PDF. I introduced this extension for the Editions application, which assembles NFJS, the Magazine. However, this extension should not be enabled by default because it's changing the behavior of AsciiDoc / Asciidoctor in the general case.

If I disable the extension, then the asciidoctor-pdf command resolves the chapters correctly. I'll fix this for alpha5.

On Tue, Sep 9, 2014 at 5:03 AM, kasperni [via Asciidoctor :: Discussion] <[hidden email]> wrote:

I have some problems with relative paths. And can't figure out whether it is asciidoctor or asciidoctor-pdf that is broken.
I have a project structure looking like that


book.adoc just contains something like this

Standing in the root /
> asciidoctor adoc/book.adoc     generates a html page with chapter1 and chapter2
> asciidoctor-pdf adoc/book.adoc     generates a pdf page that does *not* include chapter 1+2

Standing in /adoc/ and doing
> asciidoctor book.adoc
> asciidoctor-pdf book.adoc
generates (correctly) a html-page/pdf with both chapter 1+2

Is it asciidoctor or asciidoctor-pdf working correctly?

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