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Re: Listing blocks default to source - Is this possible? Rathern than adding [source].

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Re: Listing blocks default to source - Is this possible? Rathern than adding [source].

I agree that having to add the source style to listing blocks is tedious. However, we have to work around a compatibility issue if we want to change the behavior. There's an open issue in which we've been discussing ideas.

On Thu, Feb 1, 2018 at 2:08 PM, asciidocuser48 [via Asciidoctor :: Discussion] <[hidden email]> wrote:
With asciidoc, all my listing blocks are source blocks.  Therefore there is no [source] for each listing block, but rather one attribute set, :blockdef-listing.style: source.  

Is this possible in Asciidoctor or do I have to modify every source block to include a [source]?

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