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Re: [AsciidoctorJ Question] Difference between registering an extesion with a className or an instance

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Re: [AsciidoctorJ Question] Difference between registering an extesion with a className or an instance

2681 posts

You can perform this check without creating an instance using the isAssignableFrom method, explained pretty well in this stackoverflow post.


You can then pass the class object (not instance) to the registry. That's the ideal scenario.

I'm definitely looking forward to this addition! It will definitely open up a world of possibilities for the Maven community.



On Tue, Jan 27, 2015 at 3:10 PM, abelsromero [via Asciidoctor :: Discussion] <[hidden email]> wrote:
While testing the Processors SPI I stumbled upon this doubt. In order to offer a simple front-end to register extensions I create an instance from a string and then check its class with instanceof....not elegant, but it's what Java offers.

        Preprocessor processorInstance = (Processor) Class.forName(processorClassName).newInstance();
        if (processorInstance instanceof DocinfoProcessor) {
            javaExtensionRegistry.docinfoProcessor((DocinfoProcessor) processorInstance);
        } else if (processorInstance instanceof Preprocessor) {
            javaExtensionRegistry.preprocessor((Preprocessor) processorInstance);
        } else if (processorInstance instanceof Postprocessor) {
           . . .
So, my doubt is, if is there any recomendation regarding how to register the extension, should I use pass the newly created instance or the name?

Maybe it's a silly question since I can look into the code, but I coundn't figure out how some things are done between Java and Ruby :%

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Re: [AsciidoctorJ Question] Difference between registering an extesion with a className or an instance

242 posts
Dan, you keep amazing me everyday. How you get to make feel like a fool, but at the same time I feel so compelled to thank you for it?
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Re: [AsciidoctorJ Question] Difference between registering an extesion with a className or an instance

2681 posts
I aim to inspire everyday. That's my only goal :) Never feel like a fool, or else we can be fools together...which is fun too ;)


On Wed, Jan 28, 2015 at 2:27 AM, abelsromero [via Asciidoctor :: Discussion] <[hidden email]> wrote:
Dan, you keep amazing me everyday. How you get to make feel like a fool, but at the same time I feel so compelled to thank you for it?

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