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Re: Admonition icons not shown on Kindle

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Re: Admonition icons not shown on Kindle

2681 posts
Also, out of curiosity, which file are you sending the the Kindle? And how are you making it?

On Mon, Mar 20, 2017 at 6:44 PM, Dan Allen <[hidden email]> wrote:
Can you provide detail about how you are testing?

Perhaps you are running into the issue described here:

In short, if you are using "Send to Kindle", it will corrupt the ebook archive (by stripping fonts and messing up the encoding). This is not a supported way of passing the archive to a device.

If you are using one of the supported methods for transferring the file, then we'll need to dig deeper.



On Mon, Mar 20, 2017 at 5:57 AM, wintermeyer [via Asciidoctor :: Discussion] <[hidden email]> wrote:
I can't get the admonition icons to get rendered in a Kindle export. They are just empty boxes. Do I have to add something to the directory (e.g. files from the fa font) to make this work?

Here is the example code which I try to convert:

= Test Buch 1.2
Stefan Wintermeyer
v1.2, 2016-02-05
:doctype: book
:producer: Stefan Wintermeyer
:keywords: Test
:copyright: Stefan Wintermeyer
:imagesdir: images
:icons: font
:icon-set: fa
ifndef::ebook-format[:leveloffset: 1]


Here are the files:
$ tree
├── chapter-one.adoc
├── images
├── output
└── test.adoc

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Dan Allen | @mojavelinux | https://twitter.com/mojavelinux

Dan Allen | @mojavelinux | https://twitter.com/mojavelinux