Hi there,
just wanted to let you know that I have written two helper scripts that assist with getting good quality publications based on Asciidoc-texts. The stuff is here:
https://github.com/ghorwin/asciidoctor-publishingIn a nutshell:
- html output and pdf output may need different images (html resized, pdf max resoluation); since asciidoctor-syntax does not allow specifying target-format-specific image file names, the script can be used to toggle a set of adoc files from html to pdf mode and vice-versa (basically in-place replacing file names)
- cross-referencing in large, multi-adoc-file documents can be tricky, even with good editors such as AsciiDocFX. The second script parses all adoc files in a directory and a) dumps out a list of cross-ref-labels (only manually created labels, so far) and also checks for duplicates and invalid label strings; and b) checks all cross-references in the text if the referenced labels exist - in case of error, filename and line number are printed out for easy fixing.
Hope that helps you - it helps me at least
