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Problems indexing < character with asciidoctor-pdf

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Problems indexing < character with asciidoctor-pdf

This post was updated on Feb 26, 2017; 2:12pm.
Writing docs for a programming language, I want to index the "<" character. No problem with asciidoctor-fopub, but with asciidoctor-pdf, all the following attempts give parse errors.

This is a `<` indexterm:[<, index text] test.
This is a `<` indexterm:[\<, index text] test.
This is a `<` indexterm:["<", index text] test.
This is a `<` indexterm:[{lt}, index text] test.

Error is: Failed to parse formatted text: <

What's the magic required for this to work with asciidoctor-pdf? I much prefer its output to fopub.

As an aside indexterm2: does work but I really need indexterm:

Thanks in advance,


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Re: Problems indexing < character with asciidoctor-pdf


I missed a case where the index term text needs to be escaped. I've applied a fix for alpha.15.

The first example you provided is the correct one and it now works with the fix I made in https://github.com/asciidoctor/asciidoctor-pdf/pull/762.

You'll be happy to know that this is only a warning. The index still renders correctly with alpha.14.



On Sun, Feb 26, 2017 at 6:55 AM, apnadkarni [via Asciidoctor :: Discussion] <[hidden email]> wrote:
Writing docs for a programming language, I want to index the "<" character. No problem with asciidoctor-fopub, but with asciidoctor-pdf, all the following attempts give parse errors.

This is a `<` indexterm:[<, index text] test.
This is a `<` indexterm:[\<, index text] test.
This is a `<` indexterm:["<", index text] test.
This is a `<` indexterm:[{lt}, index text] test.

Error is: Failed to parse formatted text: <

What's the magic required for this to work with asciidoctor-pdf? I much prefer its output to fopub.

Thanks in advance,


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