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Numbered Labeled lists

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Numbered Labeled lists

242 posts
I use labeled lists quite a lot, because they offer a very concise and visual way to define a list of tasks/steps with brief descriptions. When I need more text I use this https://github.com/asciidoctor/asciidoctor/issues/520.

So far it works, but I miss the ability to number the list, tried several options, but nothing worked. If I use the . to number, if basically removes the labeled list format. Also, I tried if by chance the style [numbered] worked like [horizontal] but it didn't. It would have been nice ^^.

Is it possible? and does it make sense to number this list?
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Re: Numbered Labeled lists

25 posts
Try this:
Some normal text

Label One:: This will demonstrate
Label Two:: the difference to the number list

Some text in-between.

. One
. Two

. Three
This is a block like suggested by Dan in https://github.com/asciidoctor/asciidoctor/issues/520

. Four
An open block can be an anonymous container,
or it can masquerade as any other block.

(found in http://asciidoctor.org/docs/asciidoc-syntax-quick-reference/#more-delimited-blocks)

. *Fifth is bold* +
Some text

So, I would suggest to do it like in the fourth point. That's almost like suggested in the link, but using an "open" block with "--". This is not set off like a normal block with "====".

I also tried to number a labeled list automatically, but it did not work. To be honest, I also do not know if this would be easily solvable (I think this would be a new feature), and therefore quite a lot of work for such a rare use case.