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Number lists give warnings

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Number lists give warnings

Hi all, I'm having the following document:

= Numbered list test

This is a numbered list

1. hello
1. hello
1. hello
1. hello

End of list

Whenever I use AsciiDoctor to convert this to HTML, I get the message:

asciidoctor: WARNING: numberedlist.adoc: line 6: list item index: expected 2, got 1
asciidoctor: WARNING: numberedlist.adoc: line 7: list item index: expected 3, got 1
asciidoctor: WARNING: numberedlist.adoc: line 8: list item index: expected 4, got 1

Is this 1. syntax not supported, and should I use dots instead?
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Re: Number lists give warnings


On Thu, Dec 11, 2014 at 5:10 AM, bodiam [via Asciidoctor :: Discussion] <[hidden email]> wrote:
Is this 1. syntax not supported, and should I use dots instead?


AsciiDoc does support numbers, but once you start using them you have to keep them sequential. It's one way to adjust the numbering offset of a list. For instance, you can type:

4. four
5. five
6. six

However, in general the best practice is to use attributes to configure this sort of thing:

. four
. five
. six

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Re: Number lists give warnings

Jeremie Bresson
This is valuable information...
Thank you google for finding this for me ;-).

I mean the part: "but once you start using them you have to keep them sequential", because this is a major difference with other lightweight markup languages.

In my opinion it should be mentioned in the Asciidoctor user manual > Ordered Lists. Right before "You can give a list a title by prefixing the line with a dot immediately followed by the text..."

Before I start to create a pull request for this, I need to be sure that this is also your vision of the user-manual (having an exhaustive reference of the possibilities).
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Re: Number lists give warnings


On Wed, Apr 29, 2015 at 3:23 AM, Jeremie Bresson [via Asciidoctor :: Discussion] <[hidden email]> wrote:
In my opinion it should be mentioned in the Asciidoctor user manual > Ordered Lists. Right before "You can give a list a title by prefixing the line with a dot immediately followed by the text..."

That seems to be the perfect place to mention it. Feel free to point out in the manual that this differs from other lightweight markup languages.



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Re: Number lists give warnings

Jeremie Bresson
Thanks, I have created pull request #377 to add this precision.
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Re: Number lists give warnings

Excellent! Thanks!


On Thu, Apr 30, 2015 at 11:44 PM, Jeremie Bresson [via Asciidoctor :: Discussion] <[hidden email]> wrote:
Thanks, I have created pull request #377 to add this precision.

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