Sorry that I wasn't more clear.
I mean that it's ironic that the forums for discussing asciidoctor do not support using asciidoctor syntax within the forums software.
In other words, to submit this message (that you are reading right now) with even slight formatting, I had to
- click on "Message is in HTML Format"
- use <tt> and </tt> quoting to get the word asciidoctor in monospace.
- use <i> quoting to get italics (because I'm now in HTML mode);
- use <li> at the beginning of each of these bulleted items;
If these forums supported asciidoctor, it should only have been necessary to use back-tick quoting for fixed-width text (e.g., `asciidoctor`), or underline-quoting (e.g., "_") for italics, or use lines beginning with ". " to start the bulleted text.