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Maven build complains about missing DirectoryWalker class

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Maven build complains about missing DirectoryWalker class

This post was updated on Apr 21, 2020; 9:36am.
We use Asciidoctor in the Maven build of our product, to generate HTML and PDF files from Asciidoc. With the version combination listed below, the build fails with a java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/asciidoctor/DirectoryWalker.

- asciidoctor-maven: 1.6.0
- asciidoctorj: 2.2.0
- asciidoctorj-diagram: 2.0.1
- asciidoctorj-pdf: 1.5.3

The actual package for the DirectoryWalker class seems to be org.asciidoctor.jruby, not org.asciidoctor. All usages and references to DirectoryWalker that I've been able to find are correctly using org.asciidoctor.jruby. So I'm stumped as to where the issue comes from / whether it's on my side or not (which is why I haven't filed this as an issue on GitHub). Does anyone have an idea what the cause could be?

- stacktrace
- maven output showing the versions of the jars used
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Re: Maven build complains about missing DirectoryWalker class


- asciidoctor-maven: 2.0.0-RC.1
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Re: Maven build complains about missing DirectoryWalker class

That solved it, thank you.