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Long table getting truncated, when importing from CSV.

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Long table getting truncated, when importing from CSV.

Hi all,

I'm using this code:

[format="csv", options="header"]

to import a rather long table from a CSV file.
And I'm seeing, in the PDF output, the table run all the way to the bottom edge of the paper, at which point it gets truncated (i.e. - It does not continue onto the next page.)

Does anyone know how to prevent this?

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Re: Long table getting truncated, when importing from CSV.

I don't know if it works using the built-in PDF output, but if you are using the DocBook/FOP route, add the breakable option to the table: options="breakable,header"
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RE: Long table getting truncated, when importing from CSV.


That did it! Thanks.


It’s curious: the documentation claims that “breakable” is the default; apparently, not?






From: rockyallen [via Asciidoctor :: Discussion] [mailto:ml-node+[hidden email]]
Sent: Friday, March 04, 2016 2:04 AM
To: David Banas
Subject: Re: Long table getting truncated, when importing from CSV.


I don't know if it works using the built-in PDF output, but if you are using the DocBook/FOP route, add the breakable option to the table: options="breakable,header"

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RE: Long table getting truncated, when importing from CSV.

It looks like a bug: when generating pdf with docbook/fop,
- a long csv without a table title does not break in unless you use 'breakable'
- a long csv with a table title does properly break without having to use 'breakable'

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Re: Long table getting truncated, when importing from CSV.

breakable is supposed to be the default.

In my tests, the table always breaks by default. My guess is that we're using different versions of the DocBook toolchain (or fop) and those versions have a different default behavior.

I'm using:

asciidoctor -b docbook document.adoc
fopub document.xml


On Fri, Mar 4, 2016 at 12:18 PM, metro [via Asciidoctor :: Discussion] <[hidden email]> wrote:
It looks like a bug: when generating pdf with docbook/fop,
- a long csv without a table title does not break in unless you use 'breakable'
- a long csv with a table title does properly break without having to use 'breakable'


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Dan Allen | @mojavelinux | http://google.com/profiles/dan.j.allen
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Re: Long table getting truncated, when importing from CSV.

What Asciidoctor version did you test with? I am using 1.5.4.

I don't think the problem is in stylesheets or fop:

When I compare the generated docbook, I see '<?dbfo keep-together="auto"?>' generated in the xml for a regular table, but not for an informal table.

Once I add 'breakable' to the table options in Asciidoctor, the '<?dbfo keep-together="auto"?>' is generated for informal tables as well.

Without the dbfo processing instruction, tables will not break.

I am using docbook5.
