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List of Inline icons

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List of Inline icons

Is there a list of Inline icons available to use in the code?

I remember seeing many of the font awesome icons somewhere in the code once, but now I can't find them.

I thought I would blog about how to add new ones as they come along and how to add more colors to the stylesheet for people interested in that kind of thing.

- Ted @TedAtCIS
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Re: List of Inline icons

Anything from font-awesome is available, I think version 4. There's probably a way to get others in there as well, but that's escaping me at the moment.

On Tue, Apr 7, 2015 at 1:35 PM, Ted [via Asciidoctor :: Discussion] <[hidden email]> wrote:
Is there a list of Inline icons available to use in the code?

I remember seeing many of the font awesome icons somewhere in the code once, but now I can't find them.

I thought I would blog about how to add new ones as they come along and how to add more colors to the stylesheet for people interested in that kind of thing.

- Ted @TedAtCIS

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Re: List of Inline icons

= Rendered with Asciidoctor ver. 1.5.2
:icons: font

Thanks for clarifying. So only the brand new font-awesome icons don't display yet.

Example new in font-awesome ver. 4.3, these don't work yet:

* icon:heartbeat[]
* icon:motorcycle[]
* icon:street-view[]
* icon:ship[]

These older ones work:

* icon:bus[]
* icon:eur[]
* icon:cab[]
* icon:calculator[]

- Ted @TedAtCIS
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Re: List of Inline icons

Yeah, the version were using of font awesome isn't the most current. 

On Tuesday, April 7, 2015, Ted [via Asciidoctor :: Discussion] <[hidden email]> wrote:
= Rendered with Asciidoctor ver. 1.5.2
:icons: font

Thanks for clarifying. So only the brand new font-awesome icons don't display yet.

Example new in font-awesome ver. 4.3, these don't work yet:

* icon:heartbeat[]
* icon:motorcycle[]
* icon:street-view[]
* icon:ship[]

These older ones work:

* icon:bus[]
* icon:eur[]
* icon:cab[]
* icon:calculator[]

- Ted @TedAtCIS

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Re: List of Inline icons

In reply to this post by Ted
We're using version 4.2.0 of Font Awesome at the moment. See the following line in the default HTML5 converter.

Feel free to file an issue to upgrade to 4.3 for the 1.5.3 release.



On Tue, Apr 7, 2015 at 3:35 PM, Ted [via Asciidoctor :: Discussion] <[hidden email]> wrote:
= Rendered with Asciidoctor ver. 1.5.2
:icons: font

Thanks for clarifying. So only the brand new font-awesome icons don't display yet.

Example new in font-awesome ver. 4.3, these don't work yet:

* icon:heartbeat[]
* icon:motorcycle[]
* icon:street-view[]
* icon:ship[]

These older ones work:

* icon:bus[]
* icon:eur[]
* icon:cab[]
* icon:calculator[]

- Ted @TedAtCIS

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Re: List of Inline icons

Thanks for the info. I filed an issue.

Thank you for all your hard work in keeping Asciidoctor up to date. I use it daily!
- Ted @TedAtCIS
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Re: List of Inline icons


Thanks Ted! You're very welcome. We love happy writers!
