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License and Intellectual Property check.

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License and Intellectual Property check.

Jeremie Bresson
163 posts
As you might know, we want to use Asciidoctor to build the documentation of the Eclipse Scout Framework.

Because we are an Eclipse Project, we need to conform to the Eclipse Foundation Process.

Following the advice given by Max Rydahl Andersen from RedHat (see Eclipse Bug 467145), I have opened Eclipse CQ 9678 (only Eclipse committers have access)


The first concern is about the CSS and JS files included in the generated HTML.

CSS File:

When using the default setup, the CSS code embedded in the generated HTML is under MIT license. Is this correct?
Do you know if someone ever worked on a CSS file under another license? Is this even possible?

JS File:

I could not find any JS file in my generated HTML. I assume I do not have to worry in this area.


If you are interested in this process, you can follow Eclipse Bug 467145 (no need to be an Eclipse commiter) or continue the discussion here. I will try to sync everything.
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Re: License and Intellectual Property check.

2681 posts

I'm very excited to see Asciidoctor make its way into the Eclipse ecosystem thanks in a large part to you and Max. I'd be glad to help conform to the Eclipse Foundation Process.

CSS File:

When using the default setup, the CSS code embedded in the generated HTML is under MIT license. Is this correct? 

Do you know if someone ever worked on a CSS file under another license? Is this even possible? 

No. This file was developed from scratch for the Asciidoctor gem, mostly by me. All work on it was done through GitHub pull requests, so the history you see in GitHub is the entire history.

The CSS file is created using the Zurb Foundation 4 CSS framework, which is an MIT-licensed collection of logic built on Compass and Sass. The source can be found in the following repository:

Specifically, these files:

There's also a custom stylesheet for CodeRay that was adapted from Zurb Foundation (also MIT licensed).

JS File:

I could not find any JS file in my generated HTML. I assume I do not have to worry in this area. 

As of Asciidoctor 1.5.2 (and master), all JavaScript libraries are linked rather than embedded by default. All JavaScript libraries are loaded from cdnjs.com.

If you need any other clarification, please don't hesitate to ask. I'm very aware of the licenses of all components, so that should help move things along.



On Thu, May 21, 2015 at 7:31 AM, Jeremie Bresson [via Asciidoctor :: Discussion] <[hidden email]> wrote:
As you might know, we want to use Asciidoctor to build the documentation of the Eclipse Scout Framework.

Because we are an Eclipse Project, we need to conform to the Eclipse Foundation Process.

Following the advice given by Max Rydahl Andersen from RedHat (see Eclipse Bug 467145), I have opened Eclipse CQ 9678 (only Eclipse committers have access)


The first concern is about the CSS and JS files included in the generated HTML.

CSS File:

When using the default setup, the CSS code embedded in the generated HTML is under MIT license. Is this correct?
Do you know if someone ever worked on a CSS file under another license? Is this even possible?

JS File:

I could not find any JS file in my generated HTML. I assume I do not have to worry in this area.


If you are interested in this process, you can follow Eclipse Bug 467145 (no need to be an Eclipse commiter) or continue the discussion here. I will try to sync everything.

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Re: License and Intellectual Property check.

13 posts
Thanks for the detailed answers, Dan!

To be clear, this request is about allowing Eclipse projects to use asciidoctor toolchain during builds and thus we just primarily need to make sure the output of asciidoctor is clean and as expected it is.