When I use the document type "article", I get a "Last updated" date in the footer div.
This is nice and useful.
My guess is that the value here is the "Modified date" of the document returned by the file system.
This is a big limitation for articles including other asciidoc files.
The "Last updated" computed by Asciidoctor should be the MAX of the "Modified date" of the document itself and of all included files.
On Mon, May 4, 2015 at 2:18 AM, Jeremie Bresson [via Asciidoctor :: Discussion] <[hidden email]> wrote:
When I use the document type "article", I get a "Last updated" date in the footer div.
This is nice and useful.
My guess is that the value here is the "Modified date" of the document returned by the file system.
This is a big limitation for articles including other asciidoc files.
The "Last updated" computed by Asciidoctor should be the MAX of the "Modified date" of the document itself and of all included files.
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