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Is there a Live Preview (of Asciidoc) for Emacs or Vim?

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Is there a Live Preview (of Asciidoc) for Emacs or Vim?

Ibn Saeed
This post was updated on Nov 10, 2017; 5:58am.
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Re: Is there a Live Preview (of Asciidoc) for Emacs or Vim?

One approach is the Guard plugin. Guard is a file monitor that can trigger an arbitrary action upon file change. See:

(these projects need to be merged because they are providing the same thing).

I also found the following project promising enhanced AsciiDoc support for VIM. It appears to have integration with Asciidoctor. I haven't tried it myself yet.

There seem to be no shortage of efforts to bring better AsciiDoc support in VIM. Unfortunately, no one seems to be working together on the problem :P


On Sun, Feb 21, 2016 at 2:15 AM, Ibn Saeed [via Asciidoctor :: Discussion] <[hidden email]> wrote:
Is there a Live Preview (of Asciidoc) plugin for Emacs or Vim?

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Dan Allen | @mojavelinux | http://google.com/profiles/dan.j.allen
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Re: Is there a Live Preview (of Asciidoc) for Emacs or Vim?

This post was updated on May 03, 2021; 9:11pm.
In reply to this post by Ibn Saeed
I have set of Emacs utilities and recently I have been exploring Asciidoc. If I remember well, I have been using Asciidoc before Markdown appeared. The function is part of RCD Utilities for Emacs. Maybe for readers I would need to make it self-contained, that user does not need to load the whole package. It is very simple. I have isolated few functions that will make preview in Emacs and the preview function may be bound to a key. It will open browser on the exported file, that will be located either in /tmp directory or user's $TMPDIR directory. I will be updating functions on my website: https://hyperscope.link/3/7/1/5/3/Asciidoctor-live-preview-functions-for-Emacs-37153.html
(defun rcd-command-output-from-input (program input &rest args)
  "Returns output from PROGRAM INPUT with optional ARGS"
  (let* ((output (with-temp-buffer
		   (insert input)
		   (apply #'call-process-region nil nil program t t nil args)

(defun rcd-asciidoctor (string &rest args)
  "Returns plain text from Markdown by using pandoc"
  (apply 'rcd-command-output-from-input "asciidoctor" string "-" args))

(defun rcd-asciidoctor-preview ()
  "Preview asciidoctor"
  (let* ((output (rcd-asciidoctor (buffer-string)))
	 (file (concat (or (getenv "TMPDIR") "/tmp/") "asciidoctor.html")))
    (with-temp-file file (insert output))
    (browse-url file)))

(global-set-key (kbd "C-c a") 'rcd-asciidoctor-preview)