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Install themes globally?

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Install themes globally?

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Is it possible to globally install an Asciidoctor theme? For example, the original Python implementation allowed theme installations from a zipfile using `asciidoc --theme install mytheme.zip`.

If not supported yet, is this functionality planned? It would be nice to use custom themes without having to manually manage the location of the stylesheets for each document.
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Re: Install themes globally?

2681 posts

Themes are something we decided not to implement in core (the main library) because I think pulls it too far away from its core focus (i.e., making it monolithic).

For an integration package that handles this type of concern, you might want to look at hyla. https://rubygems.org/gems/hyla Hyla works at the project level and thus can help manage resources such as themes/stylesheets.

I think hyla has the right approach of managing assets in a project. I don't like the idea of installing themes to the system because that makes builds non-portable. I think we've moved past that way of thinking as an industry. But, as I like to say, what I think doesn't matter. You can always create a tool on top that does exactly that. We encourage hacking.



On Wed, Jan 20, 2016 at 9:58 AM, jrimko [via Asciidoctor :: Discussion] <[hidden email]> wrote:
Is it possible to globally install an Asciidoctor theme? For example, the original Python implementation allowed theme installations from a zipfile using `asciidoc --theme install mytheme.zip`.

If not supported yet, is this functionality planned? It would be nice to use custom themes without having to manually manage the location of the stylesheets for each document.

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Dan Allen | @mojavelinux | http://google.com/profiles/dan.j.allen