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HubPress.io : A web application to build your blog on GitHub.

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HubPress.io : A web application to build your blog on GitHub.

6 posts

I have developed a new tool based on Asciidoc and Asciidoctor.js called HubPress.
Like Jekyll, Octopress or Awestruct, the goal of HubPress is to build static blog on gh-pages.

My vision is that asciidoc (and asciidoctor) is underused because there isn't enough tools for average people.
And IMHO, the main tool for writers is a blog.
There's some solutions with awestruct or jekyll, but it's too technical, you need to know git, install ruby, learn a build process ...

I follow the Ghost (ghost.org) project since they started a kickstarter, i really like their vision, focus on blogging.
But Ghost is based on markdown. In a first time, i wanted to make a fork and add asciidoc support with asciidoctor.js, but the technical problem is always here, if you want to use Ghost, you need to install a linux server with node and ghost ... or then you pay for an hosting on the ghost plateform.

So, what could i do ? Hey, wait ... we have gh-pages, and we can build html content from an asciidoc document in the browser (asciidoctor.js powa !), we can also use the Github API in the same browser. So we can create a client side application to blog on github.

Here is HubPress !

Hubpress will :
- be easy to use, without technical skills required,
- be free,
- be yours, gh-pages will expose your site and the admin interface hubpress, once your hubpress blog is installed in your gh repository, you can live alone if you want.
- be fun and maybe awesome ! (i hope :p ).

Actually, HubPress is in preview and i need more feedback.
If you want to give it a try, you're welcome https://github.com/HubPress/hubpress.io


Some screenshot :

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Re: HubPress.io : A web application to build your blog on GitHub.

63 posts
Nice work Anthonny !

I give it a try and I must say that this is awesome :)
The project is also quite popular (nearly 1500 stars on GitHub in less than a month) and I think it's a great opportunity to push Asciidoctor(.js) forward !

Maybe we should publish a news on http://asciidoctor.org/news/ wdyt ?

I'm currently working on bringing Asciidoctor extensions to Asciidoctor.js and I think it would be great to integrate them in HubPress. That way users of HubPress could enable/disable extensions from the admin interface : syntax highlighting, emoji, gist snippet, charts, mathjax...

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Re: HubPress.io : A web application to build your blog on GitHub.

6 posts
Thank you, just to clarify, 1500 stars in less than 1 week :). It's crazy

+1 for extensions
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Re: HubPress.io : A web application to build your blog on GitHub.

2681 posts
I'm really late on replying to this post due to the fact that my world was upside down (or should I say stuffed in boxes?) during moving week.

Anthonny, this is truly excellent work. You have clearly put a lot of effort into it and it shows. I'm very proud of every single star and fork you've earned in the short time since the announcement...and look forward to many more to come. I'm eager to help drive that success in whatever way I can.

I love to see members of the Asciidoctor community building on each other's work and collaborating like this. We are quickly closing the tooling gap and making AsciiDoc shine. This shows what is possible when we aspire to be a supportive community that encourages each other everyday to keep making great things. I'm lucky to be a part of it!

> Maybe we should publish a news on http://asciidoctor.org/news/ wdyt ?

I totally agree. I think the original e-mail is the perfect length for a post. Anthonny, if you convert it to an AsciiDoc post and send a pull request to https://github.com/asciidoctor/asciidoctor.org, I'll merge it in.

(It may even be time for project leads to be able to push posts to the blog themselves...or maybe we should convert the blog for asciidoctor.org to the HubPress.io system! Now that would be cool! ...but first, let's start with getting up a post for HubPress.io so we get it out soon).

> I'm currently working on bringing Asciidoctor extensions to Asciidoctor.js and I think it would be great to integrate them in HubPress. That way users of HubPress could enable/disable extensions from the admin interface : syntax highlighting, emoji, gist snippet, charts, mathjax...

Indeed! We should aspire to make Asciidoctor.js match Asciidoctor. It's the keystone of tooling, so it needs to be every bit as good and capable as the original.


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Re: HubPress.io : A web application to build your blog on GitHub.

2681 posts
In reply to this post by Anthonny
I do want to say that I'm glad you posted this to the mailinglist. While we've decided to promote it to a blog post, having it on the mailinglist gives us a good opportunity to discuss it. The more places, the better!


On Wed, Feb 25, 2015 at 2:57 AM, Dan Allen <[hidden email]> wrote:
I'm really late on replying to this post due to the fact that my world was upside down (or should I say stuffed in boxes?) during moving week.

Anthonny, this is truly excellent work. You have clearly put a lot of effort into it and it shows. I'm very proud of every single star and fork you've earned in the short time since the announcement...and look forward to many more to come. I'm eager to help drive that success in whatever way I can.

I love to see members of the Asciidoctor community building on each other's work and collaborating like this. We are quickly closing the tooling gap and making AsciiDoc shine. This shows what is possible when we aspire to be a supportive community that encourages each other everyday to keep making great things. I'm lucky to be a part of it!

> Maybe we should publish a news on http://asciidoctor.org/news/ wdyt ?

I totally agree. I think the original e-mail is the perfect length for a post. Anthonny, if you convert it to an AsciiDoc post and send a pull request to https://github.com/asciidoctor/asciidoctor.org, I'll merge it in.

(It may even be time for project leads to be able to push posts to the blog themselves...or maybe we should convert the blog for asciidoctor.org to the HubPress.io system! Now that would be cool! ...but first, let's start with getting up a post for HubPress.io so we get it out soon).

> I'm currently working on bringing Asciidoctor extensions to Asciidoctor.js and I think it would be great to integrate them in HubPress. That way users of HubPress could enable/disable extensions from the admin interface : syntax highlighting, emoji, gist snippet, charts, mathjax...

Indeed! We should aspire to make Asciidoctor.js match Asciidoctor. It's the keystone of tooling, so it needs to be every bit as good and capable as the original.


