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How to use the asciidoctor-maven-plugin to compile a separate jar package for asciidoc

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How to use the asciidoctor-maven-plugin to compile a separate jar package for asciidoc

16 posts
Hi everyone,

Frist, I am developing a maven project, and now I need compile this project with a help doc module. In other words,

how to compile two jars with asciidoctor plugin when run "mvn clean install":
1. one is for the base function
2. other one is for showing the help document

what I need do, or how to configure the pom.xml?

Need maven-jar-plugin, asciidoctor-maven-plugin, maven-resources-plugin?

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Re: How to use the asciidoctor-maven-plugin to compile a separate jar package for asciidoc

242 posts
This post was updated on Dec 14, 2017; 9:21am.

I understand you need to generate 2 different jars with totally separated content all at once. If so, that's one case in which maven does not shine, but it's possible.

EDITED: I found a much better alternative solution, to I am removing my previous post. Apologies.

First, you need to set up a new jar with a custom classifier, check this: https://maven.apache.org/plugins/maven-jar-plugin/examples/attached-jar.html. Similarly to how you can generate an artifact-sources.jar, artifact-javadoc.jar, etc. you can create a custom "artifact-asciidocs.jar".
The tricky part is that you need to align the </outputDirectory> from asciidoctor-maven-plugin with <classesDirectory> in maven-jar-plugin. I'd recommend to use a property, for instance I wrote an example pointing both to `${build.outputDirectory}/my-generated-docs`.

One consideration to have in mind is adding the output format to the classifier. Just in case you want to generate a jar with html and another with pdf for example, and be able to diferentiate them.
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Re: How to use the asciidoctor-maven-plugin to compile a separate jar package for asciidoc

16 posts
Hi, abelsromero

In fact, I have implemented two jars, but I do not think my way is right. now I give my steps and the wrong parts.

S1: I define the maven project like this:

S2: and My pom configuration as below:

and I run "mvn clean install", generate two jars:

Thanks !!!

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Re: How to use the asciidoctor-maven-plugin to compile a separate jar package for asciidoc

242 posts
The problem is that you are adding the maven oputput to as a <resources>.
With that you'll be adding all files located there in any component that follows maven-jar-plugin conventions.
You can do that, but then you have to exclude what you don't want in the docs and code jar.

The idea I had in mind was creation 2 different and TOTALLY SEPARATED folder structures:
* 1 for the jar
* 1 for the docs
That way you don't need to mess with excludes/includes, just point to the folder you want to use for each jar.

To do that what I did was:
1. Create a property in the pom to store the path of generated docs:

2. Set that as output in the asciidoctor-maven-plugin configuration.

3. Set the generates docs path as `classesDirectory` in the "HELP" configuration of the maven-jar-plugin. This property tells the plugin to copy everything inside the folder. Provided you don't overlap code/resources with docs,
 it's fine.

No need to exclude or include anything.

Still, I am not sure that will interact with the OSGi`maven-bundle-plugin`, but I don't see why it shouldn't work.
If you have problems, just create an example on GitHub/GitLab and we can work on it.
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Re: How to use the asciidoctor-maven-plugin to compile a separate jar package for asciidoc

16 posts
I have not found this  `maven-bundle-plugin` to support the <excludes> , just use maven-resource-plugin to sove it for time bing.

I will post a example or problem on github if I haven't solved the problem yet

Thank you for your reply, best wishes.