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How to include a new HTML block

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How to include a new HTML block

145 posts

For the new revealjs slideshow that I'm preparing for hyla based on what is supported by http://slides.com, I would like to change the content of the first slide (=
) containing the cover in order to wrap some
 tags with classes & style containing weight, height

Here is an example of such html generated :

<section id="cover" data-background-image="image/1156524-bg_redhat.png" data-background-color="#cc0000">
            <div class="sl-block" data-block-type="text" style="width: 832px; left: 80px; top: -15px; height: auto;">
                <div class="sl-block-content">
                    <h1>Learn Asciidcoctor</h1>
            <div class="sl-block" data-block-type="text" style="height: auto; min-width: 30px; min-height: 30px; width: 776px; left: 80px; top: 290px;">
                <div class="sl-block-content">
                    <h2>Introduction to Asciidoctor Syntax</h2>
            <div class="sl-block" data-block-type="image" style="min-width: 30px; min-height: 30px; width: 211.706666666667px; height: 68px; left: 80px; top: -150px;">
                <div class="sl-block-content" style="z-index: 13;">
                    <img data-src="image/logo.png">
            <div class="footer-cover">Copyright ©2015 Hyla.</div>

The section.html.slim template is I think the way to go for such a change.

Questions :

1) Do I have to create a new image_cover.html.slim and paragraph_cover.html.slim pages to support such a feature or extend the existing ?
2) How can I tell to asciidoctor that we will use these other files (image_cover.html.slim, paragraph_cover.html.slim) ?
3) If I extend the existing files (block_paragraph.html.slim, block_image.html.slim), how I define a condition to retrieve within the asciidoctor page (= cover page) that we have a paragraph h1 or h2 to be wrapped with class="sl-block" and class="sl-block-content" ?


Charles Moulliard
Apache Committer / Technologist Evangelist / Blogger / MiddleWare Specialist
Twitter : @cmoulliard