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Golang implementation

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Golang implementation


atm I'm using Hugo static site generator which is written in Go language and it's very fast and very easy to deploy being single binary executable.

In the next version it's supposed to get support for writing content using Asciidoc(tor) markup.

There is some attempt of implementing Asciidoctor in Go like this one, but I thought that, maybe, having official implementation of Asciidoctor re-written in Go might help to make it even more popular considering the speed of the (static compiled) language and deployability.

There is even  A compiler from Go (golang.org) to JavaScript for running Go code in a browser  available.

What do you think
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Re: Golang implementation


On Sun, Mar 15, 2015 at 3:26 PM, gour [via Asciidoctor :: Discussion] <[hidden email]> wrote:
having official implementation of Asciidoctor re-written in Go might help to make it even more popular considering the speed of the (static compiled) language and deployability.

I agree 100%. I'm eager to see an implementation in Go. Look for the recent thread about the AsciiDoc grammar. We'll need to settle on that before (or in the process of) such an implementation or else we risk diverging on parsing behavior. In other words, once we have a more formal grammar definition, new implementations become much simpler.

I do hope that the Go implementation will be written to use a recursive decent parser for inline syntax and not the regex approach that we are currently trying to move away from :)

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Re: Golang implementation

Jeremie Bresson
mojavelinux wrote
Look for the recent thread about the AsciiDoc grammar. We'll need to
settle on that before (or in the process of) such an implementation or
else we risk diverging on parsing behavior. In other words, once we
have a more formal grammar definition, new implementations become
much simpler.
You mean this thread:

Another really important aspect is to have a test suite and a tool to run that suite for the different renders (comparing HTML outputs is not an easy task).
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Re: Golang implementation


On Tue, Mar 31, 2015 at 2:24 PM, Jeremie Bresson [via Asciidoctor :: Discussion] <[hidden email]> wrote:
Another really important aspect is to have a test suite and a tool to run that suite for the different renders (comparing HTML outputs is not an easy task).

True, though Jakub's doctest {1} is very helpful in that regard. I think a hybrid testing strategy is best. That way, we catch potential problems from various angles.


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Re: Golang implementation

In reply to this post by mojavelinux
mojavelinux wrote
I agree 100%. I'm eager to see an implementation in Go. Look for the recent thread about the AsciiDoc grammar. We'll need to settle on that before (or in the process of) such an implementation or else we risk diverging on parsing behavior. In other words, once we have a more formal grammar definition, new implementations become much simpler.
I spent some time with Python-powered static-site-generator where reST markup was supported well, but now I'm definitely settling on Hugo and Golang in general, so wonder if something has changed in regard to AsciiDoc grammar?

From my perspective I'd say that Golang is really becoming more and more popular, while [Hugo](https://github.com/spf13/hugo) is trending Golang application with >16K Github stars, 470 contributors...

I do hope that the Go implementation will be written to use a recursive
decent parser for inline syntax and not the regex approach that we are
currently trying to move away from :)
Hugo does track possible Golang [implementation](https://github.com/VonC/asciidocgo) of AsciiDoc(tor), but it is, unfortunately, abandoned.

However, I still believe that Asciidoc(tor)+Golang would be match in heaven. :

I plan to jump into learning Golang, but native Asciidoc(tor) implementation would probably be still an overkill for my skills...still, I'm ready to help.

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Re: Golang implementation

In reply to this post by gour
I found at least three implementations and then I submitted the issue:
