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Fwd: After using float="left", the title of the next section is not shown under the image

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Fwd: After using float="left", the title of the next section is not shown under the image


This is one of the annoying issues with floats. Fortunately, there is a built-in solution in Asciidoctor to work around it. You'll want to wrap your image in a "float group".


image:sunset.jpg[Sunset,150,150,role="right"] What a beautiful sunset!

== Next Section


A float group defines the boundaries of the floatable content so that any content that follows doesn't get caught up in the float.

Note that the float group behavior is provided by the default Asciidoctor stylesheet. You can see the styles here:


On Mon, Mar 31, 2014 at 9:35 PM, Yakov Fain [via Asciidoctor :: Discussion] <[hidden email]> wrote:

I'm generating an HTML with asciidoctor. Wandt to have an image on the left and the hyperlink on the right:

image::images/fig_reading.png[float="left",width=200, height=275]

http://bit.ly/1hhFvrK[Creating and Running your First Java Application in IDEA]

=== The next section title

In generated HTML this code shows the image on the left and both the link and the next section title on the right.  What do I need to do to force the title to go below the image?


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