Does anyone have any recommendation of a tool for making a flowchart among those supported by Asciidoctor-diagram?
I followed all the links yesterday from the Asciidoctor-diagram documentation but many of them do not lead to useful descriptions of the tools. From what I did find, Mermaid seemed to be a good bet but I’ve had trouble installing it. When installing via npm it downloaded 116 MBytes of something called `Chromium` as part of installing a dependency called “puppeteer”. Does it seriously need to add a third web browser to my system. This is too much to inflict on people wanting to build my document. Then when Asciidoctor was building the document it gave an error that it could not find `phantomjs`. Maybe I missed something in the Asciidoctor-diagram documentation about that.
On 29.05.2020 18:08, msc [via Asciidoctor :: Discussion] wrote:
> Does anyone have any recommendation of a tool for making a flowchart
> among those supported by Asciidoctor-diagram?