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Extra space inserted after double quote for pdf output

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Extra space inserted after double quote for pdf output

4 posts

I've created my first document with Asciidoctor and I have a question on the pdf rendering.
Whenever a character follows a double quote ("` ... `") or single quote ('`... `')  only in pdf
output some extra space is inserted (see screenshot):

That looks weird for punctuation which should be attached to the characters in front.
Is there some way to workaround this problem, or is there something I'm doing wrong?

The version I'm using is:
Asciidoctor PDF 1.5.0.alpha.11 using Asciidoctor 1.5.4


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Re: Extra space inserted after double quote for pdf output

2681 posts

I tried to reproduce your issue, but I was not yet able to. I need to ask a few questions so I can better understand the circumstances that are leading to your result:

* Are you using a custom theme file (i.e., pdf-style) when generating the PDF?
* Could you provide a longer excerpt in AsciiDoc format so that I can see if the problem is in how you are formatting the AsciiDoc content?
* Which PDF viewer are you using?


On Tue, Mar 15, 2016 at 5:00 AM, tuhlmann [via Asciidoctor :: Discussion] <[hidden email]> wrote:

I've created my first document with Asciidoctor and I have a question on the pdf rendering.
Whenever a character follows a double quote ("` ... `") or single quote ('`... `')  only in pdf
output some extra space is inserted (see screenshot):

That looks weird for punctuation which should be attached to the characters in front.
Is there some way to workaround this problem, or is there something I'm doing wrong?

The version I'm using is:
Asciidoctor PDF 1.5.0.alpha.11 using Asciidoctor 1.5.4


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Dan Allen | @mojavelinux | http://google.com/profiles/dan.j.allen
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Re: Extra space inserted after double quote for pdf output

4 posts

thanks for the reply!

Your questions solved the problem :)
I was using this example project to set up my book: https://github.com/chloerei/asciidoctor-book-template

The pdf rendering uses special fonts that introduce that problem. Once I rendered the document with the default style all looked good.

Thanks for your help,