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Doxigen support

31 posts
Hi guys,

Is there some integration between Doxigen and Asciidoctor? I have a customer that would love to be able to write C and Java documentation using Asciidoc. For Java we already have Asciidoclet, but what about C?

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Re: Doxigen support

2681 posts

Your message is the first time I've heard anyone discuss this combination...so, green field!

I'm not very familiar with doxygen, so I didn't have a response of the top of my head. I did a quick scan of the documentation and found that Doxygen provides an input filter extension point that let's you run the source files through an external program. This may be a possible hook for tying in Asciidoctor.

I noticed that Doxygen interprets Markdown in documentation text automatically. If we wanted AsciiDoc support at that level, it would likely mean writing a C processor for AsciiDoc. There's probably a C processor for AsciiDoc out there somewhere that can handle the most basic stuff...but obviously nothing like using Asciidoctor.

I'd explore the input filter route and see if that can be done in a reasonable amount of time.


On Fri, Feb 7, 2014 at 2:37 AM, aalmiray [via Asciidoctor :: Discussion] <[hidden email]> wrote:
Hi guys,

Is there some integration between Doxigen and Asciidoctor? I have a customer that would love to be able to write C and Java documentation using Asciidoc. For Java we already have Asciidoclet, but what about C?


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Re: Doxigen support

31 posts
Thanks Dan.

The use case for this integration is to deliver a single guide for a multi-language codebase. The customer has both C and Java sources but would like to build a single document in the end (in PDF format too). So naturally writing the main bulk of it in Asciidoc is no problem; including snippets of production code in the guide is no problem via the include directive; the killer is being able to write source documentation with the same format (asciidoc), so now they'll have a common documenting format to refer to, no matter the impl language.

It will be great if we can pull this off ;-)

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Re: Doxigen support

46 posts
I posted a question about this on the Doxygen ML - http://sourceforge.net/p/doxygen/mailman/message/33076113/