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Creating Nested Tables

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Creating Nested Tables


I recently found at the mrhaki blog post a documentation how to create nested tables in Asciidoctor. I suggest to add this information in the user manual of Asciidoctor.

Defining tables in Asciidoctor is very easy. The start and end of the table are defined by |===. But if we want to add a new table to a table cell we cannot use the same syntax. To define a nested table we must replace the | separator with !. So instead of |=== to indicate the table boundaries we use !===. Also the cell separators are now ! instead of |. Finally we must make sure the table cell or column supports Asciidoc markup, so the table is properly created. We must configure the cell or column with a so the nested table is created.

In the following example Asciidoctor markup we have a simple table with a nested table in the second column and row. Notice we can still apply all table configuration to the nested table as well:

 = Tables
== Nested tables
To nest a table in a table we must
use `!` as table separator instead of `|`.
Also the type of the column or cell
must be set to `a` so Asciidoc markup
is processed.
| Col 1 | Col 2
| Cell 1.1
| Cell 1.2
| Cell 2.1
| Cell 2.2
! Col1 ! Col2
! C11
! C12
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Re: Creating Nested Tables

I'm in support of adding documentation for nested tables to the user manual. That topic appears to have been overlooked.

I would want to include with it a recommendation to use this feature sparingly. If you are creating a nested table for anything other than a very specialized use case (such as a reference table), we strongly encourage you to consider a more semantic way of writing the content.



On Sat, Jun 17, 2017 at 7:35 AM, mariocup [via Asciidoctor :: Discussion] <[hidden email]> wrote:

I recently found at the mrhaki blog post a documentation how to create nested tables in Asciidoctor. I suggest to add this information in the user manual of Asciidoctor.

Defining tables in Asciidoctor is very easy. The start and end of the table are defined by |===. But if we want to add a new table to a table cell we cannot use the same syntax. To define a nested table we must replace the | separator with !. So instead of |=== to indicate the table boundaries we use !===. Also the cell separators are now ! instead of |. Finally we must make sure the table cell or column supports Asciidoc markup, so the table is properly created. We must configure the cell or column with a so the nested table is created.

In the following example Asciidoctor markup we have a simple table with a nested table in the second column and row. Notice we can still apply all table configuration to the nested table as well:

 = Tables
== Nested tables
To nest a table in a table we must
use `!` as table separator instead of `|`.
Also the type of the column or cell
must be set to `a` so Asciidoc markup
is processed.
| Col 1 | Col 2
| Cell 1.1
| Cell 1.2
| Cell 2.1
| Cell 2.2
! Col1 ! Col2
! C11
! C12

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