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Create WAR file from rendered AsciiDoc files

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Create WAR file from rendered AsciiDoc files

298 posts

I was thinking a way to publish rendered documentation into a server, this feature would fit with Continuous Delivery philosophy because documentation could be rendered each time a change is done and getting published to a server. I was thinking about a WAR file because for example in case we were using Maven as build tool, we could generate the documentation, bundle within a WAR file and then using a plugin like Cargo, that file could be deployed inside a server (let's say a jboss running on openshift for example).

The question is where this module should be developed, maybe we can think as a module of Asciidoctor-Java-Integration project, so it would have a class which creates this WAR file. Another option is put this feature as option of Asciidoctor-Maven-Plugin because in theory you would like to render and upload documentation at once. Another option could be create another project which could be used as a publisher (publish to github.io, publish to WAR file, ...) and then create as a part of this project a Maven plugin (and maybe a Gradle too) for calling it.

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Re: Create WAR file from rendered AsciiDoc files

354 posts
Why wouldn't you use the assembly plugin for this[1]? We could create a new project or add it into the Maven plugin, but I feel strongly about not reinventing the wheel, as fun as it may be, when there are many other solutions to the problem.

On Wed, Aug 7, 2013 at 11:41 AM, asotobu [via Asciidoctor :: Discussion] <[hidden email]> wrote:

I was thinking a way to publish rendered documentation into a server, this feature would fit with Continuous Delivery philosophy because documentation could be rendered each time a change is done and getting published to a server. I was thinking about a WAR file because for example in case we were using Maven as build tool, we could generate the documentation, bundle within a WAR file and then using a plugin like Cargo, that file could be deployed inside a server (let's say a jboss running on openshift for example).

The question is where this module should be developed, maybe we can think as a module of Asciidoctor-Java-Integration project, so it would have a class which creates this WAR file. Another option is put this feature as option of Asciidoctor-Maven-Plugin because in theory you would like to render and upload documentation at once. Another option could be create another project which could be used as a publisher (publish to github.io, publish to WAR file, ...) and then create as a part of this project a Maven plugin (and maybe a Gradle too) for calling it.


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Re: Create WAR file from rendered AsciiDoc files

298 posts
Cool I will take a look, I didn't know that Maven Assembly plugin could also generate a WAR file, I was thinking it could only generate a zip dist file.