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Clarify which Gems to Use

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Clarify which Gems to Use

33 posts
Am under the impression i need two ruby gems to generate asciidoctor results: 1) asciidoctor and 2)asciidoctor-pdf

is there a newer single gem that can generate both htm5 and pdf backends ? or do i still need a different gem for pdf output ?
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Re: Clarify which Gems to Use

2681 posts

On Sun, Apr 5, 2015 at 11:43 AM, jnorthr [via Asciidoctor :: Discussion] <[hidden email]> wrote:
is there a newer single gem that can generate both htm5 and pdf backends ? or do i still need a different gem for pdf output ?

You are correct that you need two gems to generate both HTML5 and PDF. There are many possible paths to get to PDF, so it's appropriate that we make it an extension to avoid having a monolithic library.

You should be able to install both gems at once simply by install asciidoctor-pdf.

(Keep in mind that AsciidoctorJ bundles Asciidoctor PDF in the AsciidoctorJ distribution. Using Asciidoctor PDF from AsciidoctorJ is just a matter of using the asciidoctorj-pdf jar file).
