I believe what you're talking about are generated API docs (or docstrings). A simple / straightforward way would be to use the include directive to include the files somewhere into the AsciiDoc content (to fuse the content together). Using the include directive, you can include whole files, specific line numbers, or tagged regions. (See
Best Regards,
On Wed, Sep 2, 2020 at 1:36 PM royha [via Asciidoctor :: Discussion] < [hidden email]> wrote:
Is there a way to automate the importing of C# triple-slash XML code comments into AsciiDoc?
Compiling a C# solution with the /doc switch creates an .xml file with all /// code comments. Is there a way I can import/convert that into an AsciiDoc file or a series of AsciiDoc files?
This would save serious time writing API reference documentation that's on my to-do list.