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Callouts int JSON source block

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Callouts int JSON source block

3 posts
Hi, i'm trying to insert callout into JSON code block following instructions on the Asciidoctor page . However, regardless what I'm trying i'm getting asciidoctor: WARNING: *.adoc: line 95: no callouts refer to list item 1 asciidoctor: WARNING: *.adoc: line 98: no callouts refer to list item 2

[source,json, subs=attributes] .HTTP Request ---- GET https://example.com/32084513 HTTP/1.1 <1> Content-Type: application/json application-key: {application-key} <2> ---- <1> Callout1. <2> Callout2

Any ideas would be more than welcome. Thanks.
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Re: Callouts int JSON source block

242 posts
You are overriding the substitutions applied and removing the treatment for callouts.
If you want to add attributes substitutions but keep default subs, just use `subs="attributes+"`, with the +.
