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Asciidoctorj: reading the docfile attribute

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Asciidoctorj: reading the docfile attribute

Jeremie Bresson
I have noticed a stange behaviour:


I get a truncated value of the expected docfile (the last 8 characters)

If I do it like this, I get the complete expected value:

    Map<Object, Object> options = parent.getDocument().getOptions();
    for (Object optionKeyObj : options.keySet()) {
      if (optionKeyObj instanceof RubySymbol) {
        if ("attributes".equals(((RubySymbol) optionKeyObj).toJava(String.class))) {
          Object attributesObj = options.get(optionKeyObj);
          if (attributesObj instanceof Map<?, ?>) {
            Map<?, ?> attributes = (Map<?, ?>) attributesObj;
            Object docfile = attributes.get("docfile");
            if (docfile != null) {
              return docfile.toString();
    return null;

Tested on window with:
* asciidoctorj.version: 1.5.4
* jruby.version: 1.7.21
* Java 1.7
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Re: Asciidoctorj: reading the docfile attribute


Double check your safe mode. If the safe mode is secure, then the security attempts to truncate the docfile value based on the docdir value. If the docdir value is not a subset of the docfile, you could get weird results.


On Tue, Apr 12, 2016 at 9:24 PM, Jeremie Bresson [via Asciidoctor :: Discussion] <[hidden email]> wrote:
I have noticed a stange behaviour:


I get a truncated value of the expected docfile (the last 8 characters)

If I do it like this, I get the complete expected value:

    Map<Object, Object> options = parent.getDocument().getOptions();
    for (Object optionKeyObj : options.keySet()) {
      if (optionKeyObj instanceof RubySymbol) {
        if ("attributes".equals(((RubySymbol) optionKeyObj).toJava(String.class))) {
          Object attributesObj = options.get(optionKeyObj);
          if (attributesObj instanceof Map<?, ?>) {
            Map<?, ?> attributes = (Map<?, ?>) attributesObj;
            Object docfile = attributes.get("docfile");
            if (docfile != null) {
              return docfile.toString();
    return null;

Tested on window with:
* asciidoctorj.version: 1.5.4
* jruby.version: 1.7.21
* Java 1.7

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