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Asciidoctorj Extension: LOGGER?

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Asciidoctorj Extension: LOGGER?

Jeremie Bresson
This post was updated on Feb 25, 2016; 4:22am.
I am working on a simple extension written in Java something similar to the asciidoctorj-twitter-extension I have added into the maven examples repo. It takes some parameters and create a link.

My question is simple: in some cases (wrong parameter or unexpected state), I am not able to compute the link and I fallback to just a text. In the console I would like to log something:

asciidoctor: WARNING: <file>: line <n>: <my message>

Asciidoctor has already such warnings:

asciidoctor: WARNING: document.adoc: line 318: no callouts refer to list item 2

Is there some support in Java? I am writing code in a class extending org.asciidoctor.extension.InlineMacroProcessor.

I am for the moment using the 1.5.x API (migration to 1.6.x is planned)

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Re: Asciidoctorj Extension: LOGGER?

This capability depends on https://github.com/asciidoctor/asciidoctor/issues/44.

I'd be happy to explore the idea of developing a interface on the AsciidoctorJ side until we can hook it up to core, but to do it right, core should be exposing a logger so that all messages can be made consistent.

If we need to bump this issue up in priority (such as for 1.5.5), I'm open to considering that possibility.



On Wed, Feb 24, 2016 at 8:37 PM, Jeremie Bresson [via Asciidoctor :: Discussion] <[hidden email]> wrote:
I am working on a simple extension written in Java something similar to the asciidoctorj-twitter-extension I have added into the maven examples repo. It takes some parameters and create a link.

My question is simple: in some cases (wrong parameter or unexpected state), I am not able to compute the link and I fallback to just a text. In the console I would like to log something:

asciidoctor: WARNING: <file>: line <n>: <my message>

Asciidoctor has already such warnings:

asciidoctor: WARNING: document.adoc: line 318: no callouts refer to list item 2

Is there some support in Java? I am writing code in a class extending org.asciidoctor.extension.InlineMacroProcessor.

I am for the moment using the 1.5.x API (migration to 1.6.x is planned)

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