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Asciidoctor-reveal.js v1.0.0 released!

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Asciidoctor-reveal.js v1.0.0 released!

Yes, we released the first ever version of asciidoctor-reveal.js, a way to create reveal.js presentations using the AsciiDoc syntax.

This thing has been actively developed and used in live presentations all over the world already. It's been working for me for at least two or three years to do presentations. Then, friends got interested in using it. However, the `git clone this` and `git submodule that` and the lack of hand holding convinced me to package it as a gem and provide instructions for the non-ruby experimented people (which I still consider myself in).

Release notes here: https://github.com/asciidoctor/asciidoctor-reveal.js/releases/tag/v1.0.0

Huge thanks to Dan for his support. I've been working pretty much daily on this thing for the last two months in order to do a stable base and stop forking it for my own slides. I've been after Dan a lot and he was helpful and timely, thanks!

Guillaume Grossetie also needs a mention. Because of him, we have a node module. This is important because AsciidocFX and web-based AsciiDoc GUIs will have a better long-lasting chance at supporting reveal.js. Which I really want since coworkers are still doing their stuff with powerpoint (or google slides) and when collaborating with less terminal-driven people the lack of a GUI is a no-go. The jade templates are not up to par but I'm confident that we will get there. It's not that hard (mostly translating slim to jade) so if these use-cases are also important for you, please consider joining the effort. Also, the doctest work will only make that happen faster.

Feel free to retweet the announcement: https://twitter.com/obilodeau/status/784216748371222528
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Re: Asciidoctor-reveal.js v1.0.0 released!


This is a great achievement, not only for this software component, but for the community as a whole. Many people, including you, Guillaume, Rahman, Charles, to name several, all representing different needs of the ecosystem, came together to create a solid release with broad application. This is community development at work. And it's just awesome to witness. And such great discussions along the way.

I'm so proud of you for achieving this milestone and I appreciate the time and effort you've given to this project. Excellent job pulling this release together and adding the important details like the release notes.

I want to give recognition to Rahman Usta, who contributed the original set of Jade templates and the original Jade adapter {1}, and who's been pushing us for a long time to get this converter working in JavaScript for use in tooling like AsciidocFX.

Please test the converter and give your feedback. Better yet, get involved with the project. Even small improvements provide value and are appreciated. Above all, you'll be joining a fantastic group of brilliant people. I'm so fortunate to be part of such a supportive community. Together, we'll go far!



On Thu, Oct 6, 2016 at 9:32 PM, obilodeau [via Asciidoctor :: Discussion] <[hidden email]> wrote:
Yes, we released the first ever version of asciidoctor-reveal.js, a way to create reveal.js presentations using the AsciiDoc syntax.

This thing has been actively developed and used in live presentations all over the world already. It's been working for me for at least two or three years to do presentations. Then, friends got interested in using it. However, the `git clone this` and `git submodule that` and the lack of hand holding convinced me to package it as a gem and provide instructions for the non-ruby experimented people (which I still consider myself in).

Release notes here: https://github.com/asciidoctor/asciidoctor-reveal.js/releases/tag/v1.0.0

Huge thanks to Dan for his support. I've been working pretty much daily on this thing for the last two months in order to do a stable base and stop forking it for my own slides. I've been after Dan a lot and he was helpful and timely, thanks!

Guillaume Grossetie also needs a mention. Because of him, we have a node module. This is important because AsciidocFX and web-based AsciiDoc GUIs will have a better long-lasting chance at supporting reveal.js. Which I really want since coworkers are still doing their stuff with powerpoint (or google slides) and when collaborating with less terminal-driven people the lack of a GUI is a no-go. The jade templates are not up to par but I'm confident that we will get there. It's not that hard (mostly translating slim to jade) so if these use-cases are also important for you, please consider joining the effort. Also, the doctest work will only make that happen faster.

Feel free to retweet the announcement: https://twitter.com/obilodeau/status/784216748371222528

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Dan Allen | @mojavelinux | https://twitter.com/mojavelinux
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Re: Asciidoctor-reveal.js v1.0.0 released!

Thanks Olivier, great work :)

FYI, I've updated the Asciidoctor.js command line interface to make it as easy as possible to convert an AsciiDoc file into a Reveal.js presentation (using Node.js) :
$ npm i -g asciidoctor-cli
$ npm i asciidoctor-template.js
$ npm i asciidoctor-reveal.js
$ asciidoctorjs -b revealjs -a revealjsdir=node_modules/reveal.js presentation.adoc
Depending on your npm version, you might need to modify the revealjsdir attribute value to : node_modules/asciidoctor-reveal.js/node_modules/reveal.js. https://github.com/asciidoctor/asciidoctor-cli.js/blob/master/usage.adoc