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Asciidoctor-pdf preview and sync support

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Asciidoctor-pdf preview and sync support


I am currently writing documents with several hundred pages (migrating from Latex to Asciidoctor) and I am missing the following features:

* jump from the pdf-file to the source file
* preview asciidoc snippets as pdf

Latex provides so-called synctex support this means you can compile your tex source and it generates an additional "debug" file with the extension .synctex  This allows users to browse in the pdf and review the output. If you click in the pdf file you will jump to the corresponding source line.
Especially for large documents it is a great features. A lot of pdf viewers support synctex.

Editors like Texstudio allow to select a text paragraph in the tex source file and by a context menu a pdf preview of this paragraph can be generated.

I don't know if the synctex support of pdf viewers could be re-used for Asciidoctor.

Do other users see the same necessity for such kind of support?

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Re: Customize unordered list in asciidoctor-pdf

I added some additional information about SyncTex and the required parser.

Please have a look at:

Different pdf viewers like pdf.js, evince, okular, skim, Sumatrapdf, texstudio, texworks etc. support already synctex.

Generating a pdf file with asciidoctor-pdf and re-use of synctex could be really beneficial for most of the user who are writing books etc.

I would be really interested in the feedback of other users and would like to know how others handle and maintain asciidoc files with several hundred pages without having a viewer with dual page view and synchronization with the source file.