I have a strange problem that I don't understand. When I use asciidoctor (v1.4) to parse a file containing the include:: directive with a tag defined, that works very well on the command line
ex : asciidoctor index.txt
where index.txt =
and by example
file : file1.ad -->
This is a test
// tag::snippetCompanion[]
Hello from Snippet
// end::snippetCompanion[]
But if I would like to process this file using Ruby code -->
Asciidoctor.render_file(f, options)
where f = index.txt
The rendering is done but the HTML generated does not include only the snippet tag BUT all the text. I have started to debug and confirm that my snippet tag is discovered and preprocessed (reader.rb class) . But why the HTML rendered contains the text outside of the snippet tag is until now a mystery for me. If someone could help me, that should be nice
Charles Moulliard
Apache Committer / Technologist Evangelist / Blogger / MiddleWare Specialist
Twitter : @cmoulliard