Just curious, does asciidoctor reports warning (or error) when the input document is malformated ? (eg: missing '*' character at the end of a paragraph, etc.).
If so, does the asciidoctor/java integration provides the same kind of reporting ?
I'm thinking about a way to provide users with feedback in the same way as an IDE reports compilation errors ;-)
It does some. I believe there's a request for more information and more warnings though.
On Tue, Dec 3, 2013 at 10:10 AM, xcoulon [via Asciidoctor :: Discussion] <[hidden email]> wrote:
Just curious, does asciidoctor reports warning (or error) when the input document is malformated ? (eg: missing '*' character at the end of a paragraph, etc.).
If so, does the asciidoctor/java integration provides the same kind of reporting ?
I'm thinking about a way to provide users with feedback in the same way as an IDE reports compilation errors ;-)
Best regards,
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