Thanks to Andres Almiray, who was interviewed in this month's Grails podcast, Asciidoctor got some airtime!
In the last quarter of the session, Glen asked Andres what all the buzz is about around Asciidoctor :) Andres remarked that the Gradle plugin, which was inspired by the launch of the Maven plugin, was a success story from the jFokus Hackergaten.
Andres leads both the Hackergaten events and the Asciidoctor Gradle plugin. We'd like to thank him for both efforts, and also thank Ben for helping to advance the plugin since the Hackergaten.
And of course, I'd like to thank you all for being a part of the Asciidoctor community. Together, we're going to make writing docs as fun & rewarding as hacking on code.
Thanks again, Andres, for the coverage!
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