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Asciidoctor Stylesheet Factory

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Asciidoctor Stylesheet Factory

298 posts

today I have been watching the themes.asciidoctor.org. I really love all the themes, but I think it could be good to distribute them in a zip file too, because now (I think) that end users must install compass gem to generate the output in css files. Of course if you are using Asciidoctor gem it is possible that you have already installed compass gem, but if you are using the java implementation, that fact may not be true. How about creating a bintray official account of Asciidoctor project, and make themes being versionable themselves? So we can generate a zip file and upload it there, so users could download them directly instead of having to download the code and build the stylesheets?

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Re: Asciidoctor Stylesheet Factory

2681 posts
Absolutely. That is definitely the plan. The stylesheet factory is only a factory for people creating the themes, not consuming them. We just don't have a distribution yet.

I was chatting w/ Joe Ottinger in IRC today about distributing themes and how Asciidoctor might consume them. Something we should solve for 0.1.4 (or at least 0.1.5).

The proposal we came up with is to get rid of -a copycss and replace it with:

-a assets=copy
-a assets=embed

Then we can also set the theme, which would grab the assets from a distributed gem and pull them either into the document or the output directory. wdyt?

The hard work in this task is setting up all the infrastructure for this (git repos and gems).


On Thu, Jun 13, 2013 at 1:59 AM, asotobu [via Asciidoctor :: Discussion] <[hidden email]> wrote:

today I have been watching the themes.asciidoctor.org. I really love all the themes, but I think it could be good to distribute them in a zip file too, because now (I think) that end users must install compass gem to generate the output in css files. Of course if you are using Asciidoctor gem it is possible that you have already installed compass gem, but if you are using the java implementation, that fact may not be true. How about creating a bintray official account of Asciidoctor project, and make themes being versionable themselves? So we can generate a zip file and upload it there, so users could download them directly instead of having to download the code and build the stylesheets?


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