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Asciidoctor Quick Ref "View Result" Feature

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Asciidoctor Quick Ref "View Result" Feature

Hi there,
    I'm writing an OER (open educ. resource) textbook for college students and came across Asciidoctor, while hitting some brick walls with Markdown. Together with Antora, I can envision an excellent creative commons publishing system for textbooks. My sincere thanks to Dan Allen and our team of contributors.
    Anyway, my question is "how do I replicate the View Result" feature that I see in the Asciidoctor Syntax Quick Reference - https://asciidoctor.org/docs/asciidoc-syntax-quick-reference/?  I'd like to include a similar system (or Q&A tabs or some other "hide-reveal" system) for student "speed-bump" questions at the end of each section. Does Asciidoctor provide some syntax that I haven't come across yet for enabling/accessing these useful CSS classes?
    Sorry, I'm not a Ruby or web developer, so can't program it myself.
Thanks in advance, Glen