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Asciidoctor EPUB3

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Asciidoctor EPUB3

I'd like to move Asciidoctor EPUB3 [1] to the Asciidoctor organization on GitHub and publish a preview release. There is certainly still room for plenty of improvement, but I believe it's in a good state to call it the official foundation for the EPUB3 and KF8/MOBI (Kindle) output formats.

Unless I hear concerns, I'll proceed with the move in a few hours.

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Re: Asciidoctor EPUB3


On Mon, Jul 28, 2014 at 5:17 PM, mojavelinux [via Asciidoctor :: Discussion] <[hidden email]> wrote:
I'd like to move Asciidoctor EPUB3 [1] to the Asciidoctor organization on GitHub and publish a preview release. There is certainly still room for plenty of improvement, but I believe it's in a good state to call it the official foundation for the EPUB3 and KF8/MOBI (Kindle) output formats.

Unless I hear concerns, I'll proceed with the move in a few hours.

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