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Asciidoctor Diagram and Github?

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Asciidoctor Diagram and Github?

Victor Romero
11 posts
Hi all,

I understand Asciidoctor Diagram does not work on github at the moment. And I already did a feature request to github just for the sake of letting them know how much I would appreciate it.

I'm just wondering, if any of you have ever workarounded this limitation using any trick, like for instance using CI to build and upload back to the repo html, specially if the solution involves private github repositories (I can't just use pages as it is not public data).


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Re: Asciidoctor Diagram and Github?

Victor Romero
11 posts
Or alternatively if someone has managed to use http://www.gravizo.com/ with Asciidoc.
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Re: Asciidoctor Diagram and Github?

2681 posts

The most pragmatic way to look at GitHub is as a viewer of static AsciiDoc files (no extensions and vanilla HTML).

Fortunately, there's enough flexibility in AsciiDoc to get diagrams to display by introducing a bit of logic. Both solutions I've come up with leverage preprocessor conditionals.

The first approach relies on an automated step to materialize the diagram using either a commit hook or CI build so GitHub can reference the generated, static image. Here's how you'd write the AsciiDoc:

ifdef::env-github[image::diagram-classes.png[Diagram classes]]
class BlockProcessor
class DiagramBlock
class DitaaBlock
class PlantUmlBlock
BlockProcessor <|-- DiagramBlock
DiagramBlock <|-- DitaaBlock
DiagramBlock <|-- PlantUmlBlock

It's up to you to implement the commit hook or CI build part :)

Obviously, the diagram-classes.png image won't exist until you execute Asciidoctor the first time. However, each time you change the diagram, the linked image will get updated. So you get the best of both worlds.

The second method relies on something like http://www.gravizo.com (which is awesome btw). This solution isn't going to look as pretty, but has the benefit of not relying on an automated build step.

:diagram-source: pass:[class BlockProcessor; \
class DiagramBlock; \
class DitaaBlock; \
class PlantUmlBlock; \
BlockProcessor <|-- DiagramBlock; \
DiagramBlock <|-- DitaaBlock; \
DiagramBlock <|-- PlantUmlBlock]

ifdef::env-github[image::<a href="http://g.gravizo.com/g?@startuml;{diagram-source};@enduml[Diagram">http://g.gravizo.com/g?@startuml;{diagram-source};@enduml[Diagram classes]]

The only problem with this approach is that Asciidoctor Diagram does not currently honor the "subs" attribute. I'll file an issue for that.

(You may have to deal with some URL encoding issues to get that to work perfectly. It would be far better of gravizo relied on a base64-encoded string because passing arbitrary characters through a query string can be problematic. Of course, you could always stand-up your own application that mimics gravizo)

gravizo also supports linking to a diagram source. That's probably a much cleaner solution than using an attribute reference. I'm sure you can imagine how it would work.

The same two solutions would also work for browser-based previewing (env-browser).

If there's a change to core that would make any of this easier, of course I'd be open to making it.



On Wed, Mar 23, 2016 at 12:27 PM, Victor Romero [via Asciidoctor :: Discussion] <[hidden email]> wrote:
Or alternatively if someone has managed to use http://www.gravizo.com/ with Asciidoc.

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Dan Allen | @mojavelinux | http://google.com/profiles/dan.j.allen
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Re: Asciidoctor Diagram and Github?

Victor Romero
11 posts
This post was updated on Mar 25, 2016; 6:00pm.
Dan the first approach is just brilliant. I'm working with it and I'm very happy to see it works with AsciidoctorFX.