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Asciidoctor 0.1.3 is released!

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Asciidoctor 0.1.3 is released!

2681 posts
As always, the $subject says it all. Read the announcement here:


This release marks an important milestone. It’s been exactly 6 months since I picked up Asciidoctor and started driving it forward. The project sure has come a long way since then. Thanks to you all for participating and making this community and software such a success! With this release, we’ve moved past just implementing AsciiDoc to advancing it.

Here's the TL;DR version of what's changed if you're in a hurry.

- File encoding and Windows path bugs fixed!
- Haml/Slim/Jade-inspired syntax for defining the id and role for block content
- Shorthand syntax to set the table format using the first position of the block delimiter
- Alternate "air quotes" delimiters for defining block quotations
- Support for Markdown blockquotes and headings (to join fenced code blocks)
- Font-based admonition and callout icons powered by Font Awesome
- Linked section titles as floating anchors or linked title text
- Target window and role (i.e., CSS class) attributes for links
- Option to use google-code-prettify to highlight source code blocks
- Attributes resolved in target of include macro
- Control over block indentation of included content
- Sidebar placement for table of contents (toc2)
- Macros for keyboard shortcuts, menu selections and UI buttons (experimental)
- Table of contents honors numbered setting for section titles
- Inline doctype for rendering simple, unstructured content
- Shorthand syntax for passing attributes to the Asciidoctor API
- General style improvements in default stylesheet
- Updated asciidoc.conf compatibility configuration
- 1,000+ tests in the test suite
- Over 40 issues resolved.

We didn't get to the extensions in this release, but we're looking forward to that being a major focus for 0.1.4.

A special thanks to Sarah for compiling the blog entry. It would have been no where near as complete without her dedication.
