Asciidoc not processing xref when used in caption of a figure

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Asciidoc not processing xref when used in caption of a figure

Hello, If I make a xref in the caption of a figure, the xref is not processed by asciidoc. Example:

.My caption. See <<iam>> for details

later in the doc

== A Section


<<iam>> should be processed by asciidoc and reference to the section inserted


xref is not processed

is this a known issue or is there something i am not doing correctly?
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Re: Asciidoc not processing xref when used in caption of a figure

David Jencks
I think the table here explains it:

I think if you put the xref in an attribute it will get substituted, and it’s possible you can adjust which substitutions are applied to the caption, although I don’t immediately see how.  That’s explained near the end of the section.

David Jencks

On Feb 24, 2020, at 4:56 PM, siddjain [via Asciidoctor :: Discussion] <[hidden email]> wrote:

Hello, If I make a xref in the caption of a figure, the xref is not processed by asciidoc. Example:

.My caption. See <<iam>> for details

later in the doc

== A Section


<<iam>> should be processed by asciidoc and reference to the section inserted


xref is not processed

is this a known issue or is there something i am not doing correctly?

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Re: Asciidoc not processing xref when used in caption of a figure

I tried mucking around with it but it doesn't solve the problem. When a xref is put in caption of a figure, asciidoc is not processing that xref