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AsciiDoc in Apiary

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AsciiDoc in Apiary

2681 posts

Since Jim is dabbling with Apiary, I figured it was a good time to resurrect this conversation I had with one of the Apiary developers about what it would take to support AsciiDoc in Apiary.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: "Lukáš Linhart"

> Hi,
> ...and after some research, I found out that while we haven't met in
> person, we've all actually met in our support forum where I originally
> declined asciidoc more than half year ago
> http://support.apiary.io/forums/120125-general/suggestions/3419602-support-asciidoc-as-a-base-type.
> My bad.
> Anyways; what conversation with Adrian led me to is that it might be
> actually doable to use asciidoc with new API blueprint (that did not
> exist at the time of the forum post). I do not have resource to do it
> inside Apiary, but it should be not so hard to build in an external
> tooling.
> What we now do is we hook into Markdown processor and build an AST
> that serves as an integration point with our tooling. I am not sure
> what the state of AST in asciidoc is, but AFAIK at least asciidoctor
> has it.
> Thus, it should be possible to write asciidocAST2blueprintAST and
> connect to the rest of the tooling.
> Blueprint AST is documented along with its canonical parser at
> https://github.com/apiaryio/snowcrash/wiki/API-Blueprint-AST-Media-Types
> Please let us know if you'll be interested in connecting those chains.
> Regards,
> Lukas