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Admonition icons not shown on Kindle (only empty boxes)

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Admonition icons not shown on Kindle (only empty boxes)

This post was updated on Mar 20, 2017; 6:33pm.
I can't get the admonition icons to get rendered in a Kindle export. They are just empty boxes. Do I have to add something to the directory (e.g. files from the fa font) to make this work?

Here is the example code which I try to convert:

= Test Buch 1.2
Stefan Wintermeyer
v1.2, 2016-02-05
:doctype: book
:producer: Stefan Wintermeyer
:keywords: Test
:copyright: Stefan Wintermeyer
:imagesdir: images
:icons: font
:icon-set: fa
ifndef::ebook-format[:leveloffset: 1]


Here are the files:
$ tree
├── chapter-one.adoc
├── images
├── output
└── test.adoc