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Admonition block to be wrap-able?

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Admonition block to be wrap-able?

I'm wrapping text around a table inside a sidebar block as suggested here.

However, it seems admonition blocks do not wrap. Is there a way to make them wrap as well?
So far I'd only need HTML output. Is there something I can define in the CSS?
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Re: Admonition block to be wrap-able?

With HTML it's possible. You would use a docinfo file and add your own CSS to override how blocks work. See: http://asciidoctor.org/docs/user-manual/#docinfo-file

Perhaps there are other approaches to your design where you wouldn't have to fight against the way Asciidoctor works?

Post a snippet of your AsciiDoc file with some more details about what you are trying to accomplish. We could offer some suggestions.
- Ted @TedAtCIS
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Re: Admonition block to be wrap-able?

Thank you for the offered help. I can't just post part of the documents I'm working on, but soon will spend some time to get the idea across. :)
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Re: Admonition block to be wrap-able?

So this is taken me more time than expected (and some other work came along). Here I first upload an idea of what my original document, before using asciidoc, looked like.

At the current situation in asciidoc, I have the document as one long html page, with the TOC on the left side.
The yellow block from the old situation has become a 'NOTE' admonition block. The red block became a custom admonition block.
I placed the top-right 'icons' horizontal in an example block. It's different but suits my needs enough.
I placed the A-U table at the bottom right in a sidebar block.
Both blocks have [.right,width=50%] attributes.

My problem at the moment is that the admonition blocks cannot wrap next to the A-U table. Instead I get a big white gap.

Another issue is how to implement the little paragraphs of table and figure captions. Any suggestions are welcomed.

I'll try to give some more (visible) insight on what I have done in asciidoc tomorrow.