Adding test capabilities to build tools (maven, gradle, ant, etc.)
242 posts
I just got the idea that it could be interesting to add some basic test capabilities to the building tools.
This could allow us to validate the example projects.
I don't a clear idea of how we could achieve this without forcing the user to write tests...
Maybe, validating that the files are created? or offer an interface so that users can insert assertions on the result? Or maybe is something that should be provided by the backends?
Ideas and suggestions will be kindly accepted, also, "this makes no sense" is a valid suggestion.
On Tue, Jan 12, 2016 at 3:04 PM, abelsromero [via Asciidoctor :: Discussion] <[hidden email]> wrote:
I just got the idea that it could be interesting to add some basic test capabilities to the building tools.
This could allow us to validate the example projects.
I don't a clear idea of how we could achieve this without forcing the user to write tests...
Maybe, validating that the files are created? or offer an interface so that users can insert assertions on the result? Or maybe is something that should be provided by the backends?
Ideas and suggestions will be kindly accepted, also, "this makes no sense" is a valid suggestion.
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Re: Adding test capabilities to build tools (maven, gradle, ant, etc.)
242 posts
What I mean is offering options to validate the output. It does not imply validating the proper rendering hwo we do in the unit testing.
For instance, in the case of the maven plugin, we could have an additional mojo or a parameter that takes the different document files configured and validates that at least a and output file exists with size > 0 exists.