Plain-text diagrams take shape in Asciidoctor!

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Plain-text diagrams take shape in Asciidoctor!

Asciidoctor allows you to spend more time focusing on your content rather than struggling with WYSIWYG tools. One task that still pulls your focus away, however, is integrating technical diagrams into your documents. It involves launching a UML or diagramming tool, pushing pixels around the screen to draw the diagrams, exporting the result to a web-friendly image format and linking to them from your source document. The many benefits that AsciiDoc provides in terms of visual consistency, ease of collaboration, etc. are not available when you are working with diagrams.

All that changes today with the announcement of the Asciidoctor Diagram extension. Asciidoctor Diagram integrates existing plain text syntax diagramming tools into the Asciidoctor processing. That means you can embed the source code for your diagrams directly into your documents!

Read all about on the Asciidoctor blog from Pepijn!

digraph g {
  "Plain Text" -> "Diagram"
