Link with curved Bracket

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Link with curved Bracket

Jeremie Bresson
I like to create a link to this page:

This code:

Check on this Wikipedia page:

The generated code looks like this:

<p>Check on this Wikipedia page: <a href="" class="bare"></a>)</p>

This is obviously wrong, because the closing bracket is part of the link.

An alternative can be to use percent-encoding of the URL:

Using URL encoding:

At least the link is correct:

<p>Using URL encoding: <a href="" class="bare"></a></p>

But I would like the text to be decoded:

<p>Using URL encoding: <a href="" class="bare"></a></p>

What do you think?
Should I file an enhancement request for that? Where?

By the way, reading the documentation, AsciiDoc Syntax Quick Reference > Links, section With spaces and special characters, I was guessing that it would work using ++:


But it doesn’t.
Doing some debugging, I saw that the link in square brackets is first converted.

Wrong link with `+` escape: link:++[]

Second wrong link without: link:[]


<p>Wrong link with <code>+</code> escape: <a href=""></a><a href="" class="bare"></a></p>

<p>Second wrong link without: <a href=""></a><a href="" class="bare"></a></p>

This is definitively a bug I can open if you tell me where.

The only way for me to have a working link with the text I want, is to use:


But this is very noisy.

PS: this forum is also wrong with link display. I have no clue how I can disable them
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Re: Link with curved Bracket


In this case, the following works:

link:<a href="[]">[]

The link inline macro provides the strong boundaries to improve parsing accuracy.

Another approach is:

(though not as pretty).

My strongest recommendation with URLs & links is to assign them to attributes. Not only does it solve most of the escaping issues, it also sticks to the DRY principle, so it's a good practice all around.

:link-swing-java: link:<a href="[]">[]





I hope that helps.

(Yes, URLs are tricky. They will always be tricky, but we hope to be able to make parsing of inline URLs more robust as we create a proper inline parser that is based on a grammar).



> PS: this forum is also wrong with link display. I have no clue how I can disable them

That's just a fact of life atm :/

On Fri, Apr 24, 2015 at 12:33 PM, Jeremie Bresson [via Asciidoctor :: Discussion] <[hidden email]> wrote:
I like to create a link to this page:

This code:

Check on this Wikipedia page:

The generated code looks like this:

<p>Check on this Wikipedia page: <a href="" class="bare"></a>)</p>

This is obviously wrong, because the closing bracket is part of the link.

An alternative can be to use percent-encoding of the URL:

Using URL encoding:

At least the link is correct:

<p>Using URL encoding: <a href="" class="bare"></a></p>

But I would like the text to be decoded:

<p>Using URL encoding: <a href="" class="bare"></a></p>

What do you think?
Should I file an enhancement request for that? Where?

By the way, reading the documentation, AsciiDoc Syntax Quick Reference > Links, section With spaces and special characters, I was guessing that it would work using ++:


But it doesn’t.
Doing some debugging, I saw that the link in square brackets is first converted.

Wrong link with `+` escape: link:++[]

Second wrong link without: link:[]


<p>Wrong link with <code>+</code> escape: <a href=""></a><a href="" class="bare"></a></p>

<p>Second wrong link without: <a href=""></a><a href="" class="bare"></a></p>

This is definitively a bug I can open if you tell me where.

The only way for me to have a working link with the text I want, is to use:


But this is very noisy.

PS: this forum is also wrong with link display. I have no clue how I can disable them

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Re: Link with curved Bracket

Jeremie Bresson

Thank you for your answer.

Even if URL parsing is tricky, I think you should capture cases that are not working. I have opened Issue 1326:

As for the solution you propose with `<a href=` my guess is that it is only working with the HTML backend. This is a no-go for me (we want to produce PDF out of our Asciidoc sources).

This form works:


and produces the desired output, but you have to write the link twice (first time <a href="">percent-encoded, second time percent-decoded).

The enhancement request (apply url-decode for the link text especially for the "bare" form) is still pending.
Maybe I will open a request for that too.