Embed syntax highlight css

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Embed syntax highlight css


I am writing my API doc, using Maven asciidoc plugin. This document have different HTTP sections involving request and response.

Now I want to highlight the syntax (eg JSON inside it), using highlight.js I get the result i want but there's a problem - the css of highlight.js is not embedded with the html itself. Instead, the highlight folder is copied to output directory

Default style of all highlighter are not the style I want, is there a way to make css embedded?

Thank you!
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Re: Embed syntax highlight css

I'm glad to hear you are using Asciidoctor for writing your API docs.

Assuming you are generating a standalone HTML document, the JavaScript and CSS for highlight.js is linked from a CDN by default. The built-in HTML converter does not currently support embedding these assets directly into the HTML. If you want that behavior, you can implement a custom converter or a custom document HTML template.

Of course, that's assuming you are generating a standalone HTML document. If you are generating embeddable HTML, then Asciidoctor only outputs the contents of the body element. It's up to you or the tool calling Asciidoctor to put that into an HTML template that has the highlight.js assets.



On Mon, Sep 12, 2016 at 10:48 PM, klchk [via Asciidoctor :: Discussion] <[hidden email]> wrote:

I am writing my API doc, using Asciidoctor of course. That have different HTTP sections involving request and response.

Now I want to highlight the syntax (eg JSON inside it), using highlight.js I can do it. But I found one problem - the css of highlight.js is not embedded with the html itself.

Is there a way to make it embedded?

Thank you!

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