Callouts int JSON source block

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Callouts int JSON source block

Hi, i'm trying to insert callout into JSON code block following instructions on the Asciidoctor page . However, regardless what I'm trying i'm getting asciidoctor: WARNING: *.adoc: line 95: no callouts refer to list item 1 asciidoctor: WARNING: *.adoc: line 98: no callouts refer to list item 2

[source,json, subs=attributes] .HTTP Request ---- GET HTTP/1.1 <1> Content-Type: application/json application-key: {application-key} <2> ---- <1> Callout1. <2> Callout2

Any ideas would be more than welcome. Thanks.
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Re: Callouts int JSON source block

You are overriding the substitutions applied and removing the treatment for callouts.
If you want to add attributes substitutions but keep default subs, just use `subs="attributes+"`, with the +.